Death Guard Legion Project

You are my unbroken blades. You are the Death Guard. By your hand shall justice be delivered, and doom shall stalk a thousand worlds.
-- Primarch Mortarion, upon his unification with the XIV

I chose to the Death Guard mostly do to their amazing color scheme.  Painting them should teach me a lot more about weathering and painting in general.  Plus Mortarion is one tough bastard and his model looks great.  As with most armies I always like to have a setting to imagine while I paint, which then affects basing and weathering.  Conveniently when I was choosing to do Death Guard, I was driving through Mississippi and Louisiana.  As such I began to see my Death Guard trudging through a city overtaken by a swamp, the roots of trees breaking through cement and rupturing sewer lines.  Moss covering all of the old icons of civilization, time and rot overcoming even the greatest of triumphs.

So far I have bought:
-Calas Typhon
-10 Death Shroud Terminators
-10 Grave Warden Terminators
-A FW Transfer Sheet
-a Betrayal at Calth (BaC) box
-I'm stealing the Contemptor and Cataphractii Terminators from my other BaC box

I also have an Atropos Knight Titan, a Knight Paladin/Erant, 18 Thallax, and 6 Myrmidon Destructors if I want to add a little bit of a Mechanicum allied force.

My plan:
This is the hardest part for me, mix in indecisive with little actual game experience and you don't have a plan.  Even better still is I have found a Heresy Tournament/Event nearby on April 29th that I want to go to.  The tournament is set at 2500 pts, so that is what I am shooting to build towards.
Without a list fully formulated in my mind yet I do still have a few things in mind.  I have always wanted to enter into the Armies on Parade competition and so I want to make a 2x2 display board for the army.  The tournament apparently also gives points based on the armies appearance so obviously I will be going with the vision I have in my head of a city overtaken by swamp to display them at the event if I can get this all finished in time.  This will be my first 40k/30k event ever so I am rather nervous, especially considering I have rarely ever played and it's been well over a year since I have played.

Now on to the good stuff, my first Death Guard models:

This is Praetor Agim.  I really enjoyed painting his face, I haven't ever done pale sickly-esque skin before but it was a blast.  Oil washes are amazing, can't believe that I waited so long to try them.
This is just a Cataphractii Terminator with Lightning Claws, still a blast to paint!

Well I hope you enjoyed reading and looking! Let me know what you think!

*Here is a link to the event here in San Diego:
